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Our every day, however different they are from one another, start the exact same. Ezra wakes up to go to the bathroom, while he rummages around in his blankets to find his stuffed animal, Noah wakes up.  When Ezra has finally found his animal, he climbs out of bed and is swiftly followed by his little brother.  They burst out of their room, run down the hall, and slowly creek open the door to our room.  After stealthily walking up to the side of the bed Ezra will loudly proclaim "I have to go potty!" Whichever one of us that is less reluctant to get up will take Ezra to the potty while the other picks Noah up for some squishy snuggle time. 

After this very routine morning, we get to decide what we want to do for the rest of the day! On weekdays when Landon goes to work, the boys and I like to go visit our buddies, Nana, or have a day at home. Our favorite things to do inside are anything involving art: play dough, painting, coloring, singing, dance parties, etc.  The boys are also HUGE cars enthusiasts so we do a good amount of VRRRROOOOOOMMMMing. Outside we have several parks close by where the boys like to play and our puppies like to run. During warm days we spend a lot of time in the sandbox and splash pad. On weekends it is much the same but WAY more fun because Daddy is home. We use our weekends together to see family that live close by and soak up all of our daddy time. Sunday mornings are spent at church, feeling the Spirit, and taking the Sacrament. 

Daily Life: Bio
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